Thursday, 8 September 2011

lies, lies and politicians

Why does this not surprise me?

Amplify’d from

May backtracks under Commons interrogation

By Ian Dunt

But speaking to MPs this morning Ms May admitted the majority of people arrested during the riots were not members of gangs and that gang membership played a smaller role than originally assumed.

On the cancelling of police leave, Ms May said she had informed police chiefs to follow the Met's example in terms of numbers, but implicitly accepted she had no power to cancel leave.


Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Man Booker Prize 2011 shortlist announced: Man Booker Prize news

Friday, 2 September 2011

The Green Benches: The Creeping Privatisation of the NHS

The Green Benches: The Creeping Privatisation of the NHS. This is not a proper blog post. I promise one is coming soon. But, I must share this brilliant, insightful take on the Tories NHS policies with you. More here soon. I promise.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Check this out

I love this video which was posted on the Global women linked in group page and of course on linked in

Amplify’d from

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." This is what it says in the very first Article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The idea of Human Rights is one of the most important fundaments of human co-existence. At the same time human rights are subject to fierce debates and Human Rights violations are common all over the world.

But what exactly are Human Rights? Who is responsible for protecting them? And do they really apply to all people? These are the question the newest animated Video clip in the WissensWerte series deals with.

WissensWerte is a project of the german non-profit organisation / e.V. ( It is realized by Jörn Barkemeyer and Jan Künzl
(edeos- digital education )


Friday, 29 July 2011

the decisive deficit?

Robert Reich ask

Amplify’d from

How can it be that with over 9 percent unemployment, essentially no job growth, widening inequality, falling real wages, and an economy that's almost dead in the water -- we're locked in a battle over how to cut the budget deficit?


Thursday, 30 June 2011

change in social media focus

I have recently realised that my social media strategy is a mess: too many blogs; many of which are inactive; too many twitter accounts, too much cross posting and too little focus. Changes have to be made. Therefore, this is the plan.

@agentofchage will be political stuff
@Vizk will be writing related stuff
@uniquecomunica will be my personal doings

Vikz Richards will remain as it is

Life Journal will be basically what it says on the tin. It will be my daily doings.
Blogger will be now two accounts this will mainly focus on political stuff will as the name implies will deal with writing, new media and books

Tumbler – will be a general site and carry highlights from all and maybe video and audio extras
Word press- I am unsure what to do with this. It may be deleted or become disability specific.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Monday, 25 April 2011

An Aristocratic AffairAn Aristocratic Affair by Janet Gleeson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is an excellent description of a vibrant, exciting, but flawed woman, who was at the centre of a turbulent society. It explores the world that surrounds the characters portrayed so well in the film 'The madness of King George'. In exploring the life of this intriguing woman; it gives the reader a glimpse of the the animosity that existed between; the king and his son, the Whigs and the Tories and the various other factions that existed within society. Harriet, and her sister Georgiana: Duchess of Devonshire, played a central role in these

View all my reviews

Thursday, 10 March 2011

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Much of this book was beautifully written. However, like the other reviewers, I found that the Flowery writing often got in the way of the story. The characters seemed weak and I couldn't feel them. I wonder if the story is an allegory. The central characters loss of memory, and his nostalgia for the past, symbolising his country's pain during, and after the war, and its nostalgia for pre-war times

Friday, 4 February 2011

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It surprising, considering the fact that I don't normally like Dicken's, but I really enjoyed this book. In fact, I picked it up to read a chapter this morning (9am) and have only just this minute put it down. I have finished it. It kept on surprising me. Just when I thought that I knew where it was going, it veered off in another direction. It may be a truism, but Dickens really knew how to write characters. Little Dorrit, Mr Meagles and others come off the page at you